The origin of mistakes Part I. Part IV. "In terms of law only material objects are recognised as
In actual fact, in Ancient Rome only object acted as money: metals
(copper, silver, gold), because, at that level of trade relations, promissory
notes, bills and assignations were not in circulation. Life has changed substantially since the time of Ancient Rome.
Naturally, evolution has also touched the sphere of money. However,
contemporary legislators, having revived Roman law in the Civil Code
of the Russian Federation, have not taken into account the fact that
metal ceased to fulfil the function of a measure of value long time ago,
and that deals are no longer conducted with the need for a weighman
with scales and weights. It is possible that the said mistake was a result of an unfaithful translation
from Latin, insofar as the Latin word «res» had the two following
meanings: 1) a separate, legally independent material entity with clear spatial
boundaries; 2) any object (including intangibles — jura) of private law or the
civil process (ausa), and also a whole complex of assets (bona, hereditas;
patrimonium).185. Gaius186 thus divides things into tangible (corporals), which it is possible to feel or touch (quae tangi possunt) and intangible (incorporales) which it is not possible to feel or touch (quae tangi non possunt). Gaius interprets the latter not as things in the sense of objects of the external world, but precisely as rights.187 «Intangibles are things which cannot be
touched, including those which are listed in the law, such as inheritance,
usufruct, liabilities, whatever their form, and the fact that inheritance
includes physical items is not at all important… nor the fact that a large
part of what is left to us, according to some sort of liability, is a physical
object… but the law of inheritance itself, the law of usufruct, liability law
are all regarded as res incorporales, i.e. intangible objects»188 (Gai.2.14)
This fragment is also reproduced literally in Digests5 (D.1.8.1).189
Contemporary Russian law, however, recognises under the concept
of «a thing» only objects of the material world, which exist in their
natural condition in nature or are created by the labour of man. 190. As N.O. Nersesov explained, «references to Roman law 191are out of place because securities are essentially a product
of the cultural life of new peoples, and consequently, it is not possible
to attach to them new norms which are taken from a law foreign to
them, Roman law. The latter is of historical interest to present day societyand serves as a excellent school for the training of lawyers, but it
is impossible to find the answers in it to all questions, occurring in the
lives of other nations, at any time»192. «The majority of lawyers, who are examining contemporary legal
phenomena chiefly from the point of view of Roman law, achieve unsatisfactory
results which are unrelated to the demands of real life».193. N.O. Nersesov renders this statement concrete with the example of
the negative influence of Roman law on the development of commodity
circulation with the help of bearer securities in France. «The convenience of the examined form of liability in relation to facilitating
the concession of rights of demand became hindered by the
gradual development of theoretical jurisprudence. The history of the
development of juridical thought in France at that time without doubt
took place under the strong influence of Roman law. In their explanations of the different institutions of civil law, lawyers
increasingly relied on Roman law. The latter, called droit commun as
early as in the 13th century by a lawyer Beaumenoir, as time passed,
became in the eyes of lawyers, educated under its exclusive influence,
the higher law, autorite. The influence of Roman law unprofitably affected the theoretical
basis of imperfect bearer securities. As a product of the general law of
France, these liabilities did not suit the strict demands of Roman contract
law. Intricate analysis of juridical concepts was alien to the juridical
genius of the 13th-century French; the common sense of the
people, having revealed itself in the fragmentary opinions of a small
number of professional lawyers of the time and also in juridical practices,
considered the bearer (porteur de lettre) as an independent creditor
in relation to the promissory document. Meanwhile, later lawyers, with a better theoretical training, came
to apply the Roman theory of mandate to the bearer, the owner of the
document. Such a transition, incidentally, was completed gradually.
Thus, a 15th-century lawyer Ioannes Gallus, although considering the
bearer (porteur) to be the mandatary, maintains that his right according
to the document did not end with the death of the trustee. Someone who talks in particular detail about these liabilities is the
16th-century lawyer Rebuffus, who tries to reconcile the theory of mandate
with the independent juridical situation of the owner, by means of
supposition (presumption). In his opinion, the bearer always has the Ibidem. P. 199. 182 Part IV. Mistakes in legislation and the role of economic theory
right to file a claim on the strength of the supposition that the document
came to him as a deed of trust; to this he attaches another basis, that
the debtor cannot raise any kind of objection since he has himself
promised to make a payment to any bearer. As a result, triumphant once and for all was the point of view of
Roman law, i.e. that the bearer is only an implementer of the rights of
another party, the original creditor, and therefore he should have presented
either a power of attorney, if he was acting in the name of the
principal, or a proof of a completed procedure of cessio bonorum, if he
was acting in his own name. This point of view is reflected in the later versions of coutumes
(Translator’s note: bodies of law in force in France until the Revolution)
composed undoubtedly under the influence of lawyers educated in
theory. The coutumes of Orleans appear, to a certain extent, to be an
exception. In the first edition (1509), chapter XXI, Des executions faites
par vertu de letters obligatoires etc., art. 348, there is a mention of the
«porteur de letters obligatoires» (bearer) who can act in relation to the
debtor as if he were an independent creditor. This article remained
without alteration even in the revised edition of 1583, only in a different
part of the document, precisely in chapter XX, art. 432. From the article mentioned it appears that the porteur (bearer) is
more independent than the ordinary commissioner. This particularly
stands out in the second half of the article, where it is said that the
bearer may continue the legal suit (of calling the debtor to account)
even after the death of the creditor. We note here that one of the contemporary French lawyers, Amedée
Pétit, basing himself on the abovementioned article 432 of the coutumes
of Orleans (the 1583 edition), finds that, at that time, genuine bearer
securities have already been known. In this he refers to the authority of
Potier. In fact this academic explains the phrase in art. 432 «si a ce ledit
debteur est oblige» in the sense that the debtor pledged by agreement to
pay the bearer, and to this adds that in commercial dealings these bills
«sont encore autorises». The opinion of Potier is refuted by the second half
of the same phrase, «comme seroit (porteur) le creancier principal», from
which it is directly clear that an imperfect form of bearer liability is being
discussed, examples of which we included above, i.e. where the debtor is
liable to pay a defined, original creditor or a bearer of the document. The bearer of the document (porteur de lettres obligatoires) had the
character of a legal representative, which is clear from comparison with
other similar statements of the coutumes. Thus, in the coutumes de
Montargis of 1531, in chapter XX, «d’executions de letters obligatoires»,
the content of art. 432 of the coutumes of Orleans is repeated and the
following 26th article states that «lettres obligatoires» cannot be brought
into use by the bearer after the death of the creditor and that heirs of
the latter may have a claim against the debtor. From the fact, that the right of the bearer to pursue a claim against
the debtor is cut short by the death of the creditor, it is clear that such
a bearer is only regarded as an entrusted party, who is acting in the name
of the principal, original creditor. In the coutumes de Blois of 1523, chapter XXIII, art. 250, the same
is repeated. In his notes on this article, the 16th-century lawyer Julien
Brodeau states that the «porteur de lettres obligatoires» is an ordinary
trustee (procurer).
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