The ambivalence of the economic nature of money and its legal definition Part I.
Part IV.
"Natural law is the law established among people by natural
reason." Are we able to accept the provisions of Article 128 of the CC RF,
knowing that they do not correspond with basic economic principles?
Cicero affirmed that, "true law is a reasonable tenet that corresponds with nature" "natural law came about earlier than any written law" "aw is established by nature, and not by human decisions and decrees" "a law established by people may not violate order in nature" "the conformity or disparity of human laws with nature (and with natural law) appears as the criterion and standard of their justice and injustice".2 Karl Marx later concluded that law and the State relate to superstructure with regard to basic industrial and economic relations. Legal relations arise from economic relations, serve them, are a necessary form of their expression and existence. Since the economy is the basis of a State, and the State and law are its superstructure, if we continue the analogy, we must come to the conclusion that theory must be the foundation of legislation.
Legislation that contradicts its foundation — economic theory — is
an obstacle to the development of a country’s economy.
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