The forms of money Part I. Part III.
Part IV. The functions of money in their evolutionary process were fulfilled, and continue to be fulfilled, by both objects and obligations. Money has different forms over time and space. The form of money
in the economic sense must be understood to mean the type of material
goods which fulfils the function of money at the appropriate level
of economic and legal development of society (Fig. 6).
The prevalence of and demand for one form of money or another is
defined by indicators such as negotiability, convenience, portability,
durability, divisibility, demand, and sufficient amount in circulation.
It is necessary to point out the following basic forms of money which
arose in the process of evolution:
These forms sprang up successively, as a rule, and were prevalent in
certain periods of time (Table 3). New forms of money arose primarily
because it was necessary to minimise trading costs and to accelerate
accounting and trade operations (Fig. 7).
They all have the right to exist even today, and only public (or State)
recognition can force one kind of material goods or another out of
circulation or confer on it the status of legal money.
Looking at these forms of money in consecutive order, we shall try
to define their properties as objects and as obligations.
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