Historical school of law Part I.
Part IV.
As economic ideas began to move into the field of law, legal ideas
began to move into the area of economics. At the onset of the nineteenth
century, a new, so-called historical school of law was formed,
which opened the way to a different understanding of law. According
to this school, law is a product of life, which reflects only those relations
that are formed in reality.
The law changes whenever culture, national consciousness and a
way of life move forward. Through this point of view it is possible to
explain the meaning and essence of known problems, in order to be aware of the real needs of active life, which must be regulated by them
(it is not clear what must be regulated and how). The dependence of law
on the economy is particularly manifested in the realm of civil law. Like
law, which regulates relations between parties as regards the ownership
of property, it is particularly intertwined with various factual peculiarities,
which characterise economic life of this people in this day and
For example, the more industry and trade are developed, the more
immovable property rights come into line with movable property rights,
and freedom of circulation, which characterises movable property,
gradually applies to immovable property as well. In the developed industrial
and commercial way of life, various constraints are more and
more commonly/frequently revoked.
For a clear understanding of the legal system of society, apart from
studying resolutions of positive law, attention must be paid to actual
economic relations, which result in legal standards. Therefore, in order
to understand economic relations in a certain country, one must familiarise
oneself with the basic institution of law. Legal standards in relation
to property and contracts are particularly important here. The
level of freedom of individuals, the boundaries and content of property
rights, conditions of concluding contracts — such are the main
categories of legal standards on which the system of the commercial
economy depends.
The inadequate economic competence of many leading Russian
legal experts and legislators, both in matters of fundamental political
economic theory and in the use of terms, has caused, first and foremost,
a woolliness of economic definitions in existing legal field in Russia and
a lack of economic expert examination of laws.
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