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Solving the problem "How many fools are around us?"

Formulation of the problem

In particular, the distribution of smart people in society obeys the Gauss normal distribution law, and, according to his theory, the majority of the population, unfortunately, is not smart.

But how stupid? In accordance with the Gaussian distribution, 6% of the individuals of the human population are officially weak-minded, mentally retarded. From the point of view of biology and medicine, these include people with an IQ below 70. Officially, they are called morons, cretins, idiots, etc., which is a medical diagnosis. Despite Art. 1 of the Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "All human beings ... endowed with intelligence. () «, these people are officially recognized as insufficiently intelligent.

Despite the same document, which states that «All people are born ... equal in their rights»,(2) these people do not have the right to acquire civil rights and obligations. People with a mild form of debility may partially have rights and obligations, but are limited in the right to serve in the armed forces, in state and municipal bodies, are limited in the right to access state secrets, handle weapons and explosives, in the rights to drive vehicles, etc.

These people live next to us, and it is pointless to deny it. For example, research commissioned by the US Dairy Innovation Center found that 7% of American adults believe brown cows produce chocolate milk, as opposed to white cows.(3)

Unfortunately, there are exactly the same number of truly smart people, namely the gifted, talents and geniuses, that is, all those who have an IQ of more than 130, in accordance with the Gaussian distribution, as there are weak-minded people. Their insufficient number, regardless of the scientific approach, was noted by all outstanding thinkers.

Stanislavsky also noted: «Geniuses are born for centuries, great talents for decades, talents for years, mediocrity for days and mediocrity for hours.» And Bernard Shaw quite mathematically stated that «2 percent of people think, 3 percent think what they think, and 95 percent of people would rather die than think.»

In a simplified form, this rule sounds: «Three are smarter than five,»(4) which is consonant with the ancient truth: «the worst are always the majority.»

But a careful study of the Gaussian curve can lead to a conclusion not only about the number of smart and stupid people in society.

If we are guided not only by the normal distribution curve, but also by the theory of complex systems arising from it, which in a greatly simplified form says that: «any complex system consisting of a sufficiently large number of sufficiently complex elements connected by a sufficiently large number of sufficiently complex nonlinear and, in addition number of feedbacks, necessarily contains an error», one can come to the conclusion that any intelligent person is a mistake of nature, a deviation from the «norm».

The intellectual elite (6%(5) smart)is, from the point of view of higher mathematics, the same mistake of nature as 6% of idiots. In biological terms, it is a mutation in the human biological population.

This mutation is congenital, and then a person is smarter than usual from birth. Smarter families tend to produce smarter children for a reason.

Also, the «very smart» mutation is acquired, that is, it is produced by the method of constant unusually large brain training. Everyone understands that if you train the brain for a long time, loading it with exercises, and absorbing knowledge, then a person becomes smarter.

At the same time, a person who from birth has a low ability to perceive knowledge, of course, has less chance of becoming smart in the learning process. But even from birth, a smart child should not be lazy and work hard on himself — learn to become a truly smart person. It is lazy people who are too lazy to exercise their brain, which is the main reason for the spread of stupidity.

Considering an unusually smart person from the point of view of biological processes occurring in the brain, it is worth highlighting the speed of signal transmission between neurons in synapses and the ability of the brain to build simultaneously a large number of interconnected synapses.

The speed of signal passage in the brain depends on the electrical conductivity of the cerebral fluid and, most likely, is an innate feature of a person. It is highly doubtful that it could be changed by training.

And the ability of the brain to build simultaneously a large number of interconnected synapses, just like memory, obviously, on the contrary, can be trained and can be increased by a person in the process of self-development.

Scientists have found that during the first 30 years of life, the nerve fibers of the brain are covered with a myelin layer, which improves the passage of an impulse, providing good concentration, memory and response to familiar stimuli.(6)

Numerous studies of the nature of intelligence most often come to the conclusion that in smart people the ratio of genes to labor is approximately «40 to 60». That is, 40% of success lies in genetics, and 60% — in intellectual work on oneself.

Kennel owners, breeding medal-winning dogs on the basis of learning, make them train to execute commands every day. Then they cross with other well-trained dogs. A puppy from such a mating learns basic commands like «sit» or «fu» two to three times faster than a puppy from the same, but untrained dogs. Such unusually intelligent breeds as the German Shepherd or the Bernese Mountain Dog are bred by repeated crossing.(7)

Theoretically, it can be assumed that if we take a separate human population, a certain tribe, and force each member of society to study every day and forbid marriages with individuals from other tribes, then smarter children will be born in this tribe than in other tribes. In the next generation, these smarter children, who again were forced to study every day, will be born even smarter children than in other tribes.


The solution of the problem

Previously, it was believed that the task «How many fools are around us?» unsolvable. The assumption «80% of people are idiots» was usually followed by the answer: «Only those who can’t count up to 90 think so.» Often they say «everyone around is fools.»

But this problem has a solution, and it lies solely in the plane of assessing the IQ of the person asking this question.

This means that if the IQ of the questioner, God forbid, is 70, then all the people around him are smart. Or, as our «non-brothers» say: «There are no bad ones.»

If the IQ of the questioner is 100, then it is also easy for him: half of the people around him are smart, and the other half are smart.

But if the IQ of the questioner is 130, then a problem arises. After all, for him, only 6% of those around him are smart, and all the rest are stupid.

And imagine how hard it is for Perelman with his IQ, which is significantly higher than the estimate of 200 units. He, indeed, objectively sees that the leadership of the Institute of Mathematics is stupider than him in the development of mathematics. He does not evaluate their organizational abilities, but from the point of view of a theoretical mathematician, he is really right. He really has no one to talk to, because there is simply no person equal to him in intelligence. But this does not mean that everyone at the Institute of Mathematics is stupid. No. Everyone there has an IQ above 130. Everyone there is really gifted. It’s just that they are all much dumber than him, the real genius.

Therefore, if it seems to you that everyone around you is fools, then the problem is not in those around you. The problem is you. You are too smart.

And you will not find a society consisting of only smart people with an IQ above 130, because the law of normal distribution cannot be canceled. So get used to living among more stupid people. This will be the next stage of your learning and «wiser».


(1) Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948

(2) There same


(4) A saying coined by my wife Maria

(5) It is this figure that is given to students of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University when giving a course of lectures on sociology. There is a huge amount of controversy among scientists about this figure. Some of them use statistical methods, some — mathematical, relying most often on the standard deviation of the normal distribution. We will not go into the discussion. This work will be based on this figure. — Note. author.

(6) Lyulchak E. Brain acceleration. URL:>

(7) The smartest dog breeds. Top 26 (with photos). URL:

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