Public and legal origin Part I. Part III.
Part IV. The uniqueness of currency as a form of money consists in the fact
that it hasn’t evolved from commodity relations and economic theories,
but is designated by a State document. Its «parents» are not political
economy and industrial relations, but public law — State public relations
in the field of money circulation (fig. 13). If in earlier times public relations would push forward certain commodities
to be circulated as forms of money, then at present, with
public relations developed to a higher level, the public delegates the function
of defining money forms to the State (or, in some cases, the ruler
himself would usurp this function) and it is the State (king, emperor,
tsar, president and parliament) that define money forms on the grounds
of a volitional decision. It is the compulsion power of the State that strengthens currency. «..By Chinese laws of the 13th century, those who refused to accept imperial paper money were sentenced to death, in France the same
offence was punished by 20 years of penal servitude, and according to
English legislation, refusal to accept government banknotes was seen
as State treason» 121 A revealing argument that proves the State-enforcement origin of
currency is the treatment of money counterfeiting not only as a criminal,
but also as a political offence. The struggle against money counterfeiting
in the USA was initially led not by the police or the FBI, but
the president’s personal secret security service122 Because it is the State that issues currency, it is the State that creates
additional legal norms of the public law, which are in force as well as
the «usual» public law support applicable to banknotes and bills.123 These additional legal norms include every trader’s duty to accept
currency payments, as well as more strict prosecution measures against
counterfeiters compared to swindlers who forge bills and banknotes of
private banks. Aristotle, as early as in his time, made the point that «money became
money (nomisma) not through its internal character, but on the strength
of the law (nomos), and it is within our power to change this situation
and render it useless124 The Federal Law «On currency regulation and currency control»
(draft of the 29.12.1998) states the following: 1. "The currency of the Russian Federation": à) Roubles in the form of Central Bank of the Russian Federation
bank bills (banknotes) and coins, being in circulation, as well as being
or having been recalled from circulation, but still liable to exchange; á) ñassets in roubles on accounts in banks and other credit institutions
within the Russian Federation; c) assets in roubles on accounts in banks and other credit institutions outside of the Russian Federation on the grounds of an agreement concluded by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation with appropriate foreign institutions about the use of Russian currency on the territory of the foreign state as a legitimate means of payment. 3. Foreign currency is: à) monetary units such as banknotes, T-Notes, coins, being in
circulation and acknowledged as the legitimate means of payment in
the appropriate foreign state or group of states, as well as monetary units
being or having been recalled from circulation, but still liable to exchange. á) assets on bank accounts in monetary units of foreign states and
international monetary or payment units». As a rule, in most countries of the world national currency is defined
as provided by law for circulation liabilities of the Central Bank (Treasury,
Reserve System), endowed by the Government with the following properties:
In the legal sense, one may with good reason define modern currency
as the two forms of money which act as the only acknowledged
legitimate means of payment and the sole means of tax settlement:
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