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«Peculiarities» of World War II

We often hear the popular opinion “there were no fools in the German headquarters”.

The facts make us seriously doubt the truth of this statement.

  1. How could these “not fools” let the entire English army of 300,000 men leave Dunkirk, although it cost almost nothing to defeat it?
  2. How did these “not fools” wage war in Africa and the Mediterranean with the forces of 10 divisions (3 German and 7 Italian), without capturing Gibraltar with the forces of only 2 (two) divisions, which gave “the allies” the ability to freely supply their troops?
  3. Why didn’t these “not fools” allocate Rommel 2 more divisions for capturing the Suez Canal, despite the fact that there were 180 divisions on the USSR border?
  4. How did these “not fools” abandon the plan of capturing the oil fields of Basra with a march of 5 (five) tank divisions from Suez, which would deprive the British of fuel, bringing the Third Reich great opportunities?
  5. How did these “not fools” fail to notice the work of the head of the Abwehr, Admiral Canaris, for the British, since 1939 already, despite the fact that he even kept a diary where he described all this every day?
  6. How these “not fools” spent 6.5 billion Reichsmarks on the construction of the practically meaningless supposedly protecting from the British “Atlantic Rampart”, having possibility to build 10,000 heavy four-engine bombers of the “Flying Fortress” type with this money and to bomb the entire England, its entire fleet and seaports, as well as the American forces in Africa with still remaining bombers for the Eastern Front? Which, in addition, could save funds for air defense forces in France and Germany and huge funds for the fleet...

  7. How could “not fools” supply their aviation in Russia with gasoline freezing at minus 14 degrees in the winter of 1941/1942? Had they never been to Russia? Military attaché Kestring was born in a landowner's family in Serebryanye Prudy of Moscow region! And a year and a half before the start of the war with the USSR, in January 1940, the frost in Moscow reached -37° C, and then -44° C, as the Pravda newspaper reported 1. Even if the Germans didn't read newspapers, hadn’t they got a thermometer in the embassy?
  8. How could “not fools” supply their automobile and tank forces with gasoline and grease thickening at minus 20 degrees during Russian winter?
  9. How could “not fools” shoe the entire German army on the “Eastern Front” with boots with iron rivets on the soles, ideally conducting cold from the ground to the feet?

  10. How couldn’t “not fools” know about the multiple lines of defense in the USSR in the spring of 1941?
  11. How could “not fools” even plan a front line with a length of several thousand kilometers and communications cut off from the main supply bases in Europe by 3,000 (three thousand) kilometers?
  12. Take the Barbarossa plan. The plan had only one option: blitzkrieg. To cut through the defenses, defeat the Red Army and force Moscow to capitulate in a matter of weeks. And if it doesn't work? Did Hitler have a backup plan? There was no backup plan. How come? Starting a scam like this without any “Plan B”? Where are the brains? 2
  13. How couldn’t “not fools” know about the quality of dirt roads in the USSR, when every Russian knows that in Russia you can only drive somewhere “when it is dry or frozen”?
  14. How could “not fools” get involved in a large-scale war at all, without having guaranteed sources of tungsten and chromium supplies, vital for the production of armor and sub-caliber shells?
  15. How could “not fools” voluntarily begin the war on two fronts, perfectly understanding the overly discussed suicidal nature of such strategy?
  16. How could “not fools” fail to foresee the Anglo-American aid to the fighting USSR with weapons and strategic materials, obvious even to civilians?

  17. How could “not fools” fail to take Murmansk and Kondopoga and thereby leave a strategic route for the supply of military equipment under Lend-Lease?
  18. How “not fools” killed over 2,000,000 healthy prisoners of war in the winter of 1941-1942 and then came to understanding about the shortage of labor in German industry in the spring of 1942, starting to forcibly steal the civilian population of the occupied territories? 3
  19. How could “not fools” loose more than 1,000,000 soldiers in Stalingrad in vain, when they could cut the Soviet oil road of life, just by forcing the Volga River upstream or downstream of Stalingrad?
  20. Why “not fools” at the very beginning of the Battle of Kursk, realizing from the artillery cannonade at 4 o'clock in the morning that the USSR had the German offensive plan, didn’t cancel it, but drove their tanks to the minefields? How, having already lost half of their tanks on mines, did they still not terminate the Operation Citadel?

The point of view that the aim of the Nazi leaders was large-scale theft on military contracts from the German budget, and not nearly a war victory, appears to be much more logical.


(1) «After severe frosts on January 9 and 10, when the temperature in Moscow dropped to -37° C, and a short-term subsequent warming, on January 16 there was another influx of Arctic air. According to the Pravda newspaper of 01/17/1940, “the temperature began to drop especially sharply on the morning of January 16: for example, at 3 o’clock in the morning in Moscow the temperature was -30° C, at 9 o’clock in the morning - minus 38° C, at 11:30 - minus 40° C, at 23:30 - minus 44° C». See Abnormal frosts in January 1940.
– Text: electronic // Weather archives. – URL:
(Date of access: 11/05/2022).

(2) G. Sadulaev How the fascists bagged an easy win over Soviet Russia / G. Sadulaev.
– Text: electronic // – URL:
(Date of access: 11/05/2022).

(3) Ibid.

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